Sunday, April 8, 2012

Local Houston Rapper draws inspiration for classical art

 At the Museum of Fine Art in Houston, Texas on a Saturday afternoon many Houstonians come to visit not only the attractions but also the calm atmosphere. Jamal HD is here today to view the limited showing of the treasures of the Pharaoh Tutankhamen and other Pharaohs.He admires not only the historical craftsmanship of the pieces but the relevance that it still holds centuries later in today's technological world.

“I feel art and music go hand in hand. You have to create something if you an artist. 700 years from now whatever I create today may be important and one song could leave my legacy to the whole world. Do you think when Leonardo (Da Vinci) painted the Mona Lisa, he knew that it would hold the significance that it has now.  None of us have seen him, but we know he was a creative genius. How many times did he have to repaint and edit his works before he had a perfect final?

Jamal HD has been putting the finishing touches on his third mixtpae HDMI and goes to various museums to draw not only his motivation but a strong determination to leave creations that he feels will last through the ages.
  “Whether art is given through a song, statute or painting, each form brings out serious emotions to different individuals. Just like if your ever attended a exhibit and there's a group of people describing a piece down to science, and you over there like what are they talking about, That's how it is with  music lovers and a genre some will get it some will not. One artist that is growing on me a lot is Gerhard Richter. This guy early in his career couldn't sell one piece now his work is being auction off for $200 million. That's crazy. Some critics are pushing him to icon level similar to Picasso. Of course I'm a fan of others like Andy Warhol, Monet, Giacometti and Rothko. I know the first day I buy a nice big house it will be packed with so much art. You have to have a strong appreciation for the creativity that they had.”