Thursday, January 26, 2012

Importance of Marketing for your business

If 2011 showed companies anything to be remembered, it should be that marketing and all of its many facets is a growing importance for success. Whether it is a small business or a large corporation with offices internationally,  how they are marketed to potential and existing consumers is becoming a bigger fish to catch each year.

For profit companies are built for one thing: Profit. Many of the clients we work with at Majestic Raven Entertainment have expectations and we stay commited to providing the best quality marketing and public relations management that will be a driving force for the success and longevity of their business.

If you dont have time to manage and control your advertising or you dont have the expertise hire a public relations firm to assist with marketing your business. The one problem that dooms a business from the start is what I call gourging business model.

The GBM for short is a model that many business have where everyone within the company is multitasking constantly on everything witht their business from accounting, management, human resource and payroll. The problem is that usually the person who is responsible for hiring the next cook for their restaurant is also responsible for insuring that the marketing duties are also taking care of even though they have very little knowledge of marketing or creating PR campaigns. Wanting to save a little by doing it yourself can actually add stress and be the ultimate downfall of your business.

I consulted with a music label years ago who had problem getting their clients concert shows and interviews. After one day of sitting with them I quickly observed the problem: The music producer was also the marketing manager and booking agent for the whole company and their artist! When I presented the idea that they should hire both an agent and publicist the quick response was that "The problem isnt that we need help, we just need to get some shows. We have a facebook,Myspace and Website. The marketing is done. We just need to get in front of some promoters."

Unsuprisingly the company dissolved 8 months later. But I think that story was important because it has an theme that currently occurs with a small business: Not knowing your needs and or limitations when it comes to starting a business.

It is impertitive that managers and owners realize that a lot of the success for companies comes from being able to utilize skills and strentghs that are not their own but available to them.