Sunday, January 29, 2012

How to conduct the perfect media interview by Brandon Countee

Interviews are a constant  and very important occurrence for small business owners, entertainer and athletes. They are important because they represent a unique way to interact with possible clients, fans and the media in general. Here are five key tips to help you ace interviews with the media.

1.       The media is not your friend.
Journalists have a job to do and what they report must be accurate, fair and balanced. Even if they are your friend, remember they are at work when it comes to the interview.

2.              that even if they are your friend they are at work when it comes to the interview.
terviews with the media.2.        teract with Have an objective
Approach all interviews with a goal and a key message that you want the interviewer to leave with.  Plan ahead and be prepared for the difficult questions. Make sure at the end of the interview that you convey your message. Learn the interviewer's first name and address them by their first name. This makes the meeting warm and caring.

3.       Control the interview
The interviewer never will just ask the right questions. After you answer the question steer the conversation to what you want to get across. Don’t sit back and wait for them to ask the question you are waiting for.

4.      Be prepared for questions
Be prepared for certain questions to arise. Try to find out what topics the interviewer wants to ask before the interview.

5.       Your look
What you wear and your body movements are the MOST important part of a video or broadcast interview. The importance of the look is too long to put in one simple blog but I will give this: Never wear a white shirt. Choose a light blue or a green shade to not seem boring or stale. Your tie should be muted and your suit a dark solid color. Avoid large flashy accessories as they can detract from your overall look.